Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Live Below The Line - Dia Dos

OK it's starting to suck now.

The cravings are kicking in. And delirium. More than usual, that is.

I can't even buy petrol without being bombarded with donuts and Coke and other yumbo snacky-snackys that I'm not allowed to have. This rice and soup combo is starting to do my head in and I'm wondering if the soup I have left is going to last for three more days, or if I'll be stuck eating a tonne of rice by Friday. And one bastard I work with thought it would be funny to rave on about food until I shut him down with "Have you sponsored me? No? Well shut the fuck up!"

I've been trying to save my chocolate for a moment of desperation, but it looks like I am already clawing at the desperate wall. Please, forgive me if I yell and scream horrible things at you this week, I am not myself without protein.

But the good news? I'm well over my target of $1000, so I increased it to $1500. I cannot believe how generous people have been so far. Humans really can pull together and make big changes in this world if we just co-operate, play nice and share! Over $800,000 has been raised in total so far. A whole lotta kids around the world will have their lives significantly improved by this campaign, and I am proud to be a part of it. You should be proud of yourself too!

(If you haven't sponsored me or anyone else living below the line, you have no right to be proud so wipe that smug look off your face and sponsor me here)


Someone better buy me a whole bunch this weekend, or I'm crackin' skulls.

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